
17. Jul 16 o'clock
What is mine? What is yours? Who owns what? In "SchwarzweiƟchen" the ensemble and the audience get into a real dilemma! The children are given something that belongs to someone else. And the chaos is pre-programmed: One performer wants it back, the other thinks she has found it, the third has even more of it and who are these mysterious black and white creatures anyway? Little by little, the audience gets caught up in the dilemma of the ensemble's different claims of ownership and points of view. But how do they all get out of it? Humorous and provocative, with a loving wink and in direct contact with the audience, M O N S T R A negotiate the fine stories and the grey areas between having, finding, giving, borrowing, losing, taking and giving and the permanent shifts between mine and yours.
A cooperation between M O N S T R A and TheaterGrueneSosse, supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main.